Send me a message or use the chat box and we will get you started on the path to living a life that you love.
Together, we can work out a plan to get you on your way!
United States
To Inquire About Coaching/Services hello@brittanyrosegreen TEXT 720-204-8362
Open today | 09:00 am – 07:00 pm |
A life coach can support you in finding and staying on your path. By building a relationship with my clients, I can help you stay motivated and on-task, helping you move toward your long term far-reaching goals.
Every client jointly signs a commitment contract with their life coach. I set the terms of the commitment contract to fit your individual goals and plans.
The first step is to schedule an introductory session. In that session, we will get an idea of how well we work together and what our next steps should be from there.
In this masterclass we will break down how to create YOUR signature wealth identity, using feminine embodiment principles, so you can easily align yourself with the life your heart desires!
With your new signature wealth identity, you will be able to attract abundance in the most effortless ways possible!